Get Your Life Back

We work with families to help them understand and overcome the impact of mental health struggles.

Get started right away

This is where the real magic starts. We start by working directly with parents and child to do an in-depth analysis of your whole family situation. This ensures the care path we design is optimised for your family’s individual mental health needs. The healing can start right away; there is no waiting list.

*measured using GAD-7 test at start and end of our programme

What do all of these conditions have in common?

  • School refusal

  • Anxiety or depression

  • Self harming

  • Suicidal ideation

  • School or social performance is affected negatively

  • Unexplained tantrums

  • Withdrawing from society

  • Neurodiversity: attention problems, ADHD, ASD

  • Unexplained aggression and violence

  • Bedwetting and bladder control

  • Sleep problems

  • Bedtime becoming a challenge

The answer is Anxiety

Addressing anxiety is crucial to managing all of these conditions and improving your child’s mental health.

If anxiety is addressed early, many of these conditions would be easier to manage or wouldn’t have such a negative impact on your family.

You are Not alone

You are not alone. Childhood Mental Health is the fastest-growing health issue facing families in the UK today.

In 2021 NHS referred 1 million to CAMHS, the estimate for 2023 is 1.5 million

The NHS has only been able to treat 39% of that 1.5 million

The waitlist can take as long as 18 months.

Professional supervision and expert guidance to safeguard your child. 

Lead Psychologist

Ana Pereira is responsible for the day-to-day supervision, clinical planning, and coaching of individual clients.

Chief Medical Officer

Dr Mike Richardson sits on the Executive Board and ensures the highest level of care in the organisation.

"100% recommend, 5 stars!"

Hear from parents whose lives have been transformed. Find out where they would be if we hadn’t been there to help.

What makes us different?

  • No referral needed 

  • No wait list to start getting help

  • Sessions booked at times to suit you

  • Regular online sessions with parents and child 

  • Relatable coaching for children

  • Reports for schools and your GP

  • We work with schools to improve the whole environment

Why you shouldn’t wait

As a parent, you know there’s a problem. We empower you to get started with your child’s care right away. Early intervention is a cornerstone of our approach and one of the most important contributors to successful outcomes for children with mental health issues.

Despite providing world-class care, the scale of the crisis is threatening to overwhelm the NHS. Long waits for treatment can have a devastating effect.

  • Of the 1.5 million people referred for mental health support, the NHS has only been able to support 39% of them.

In a survey of young people on the waiting list for mental health support from the NHS:

  • More than 1 in 4 reported they had tried to take their own life as a result of having to wait.

  • More than 50% reported that their mental health got worse.

What is anxiety?

We created this video to explain exactly what anxiety actually is, and how it develops in children.

Relatable help that you can trust

Our Mental Health Practitioners (MHPs) make us unique. MHPs are recruited as undergrads from the health and education faculties. What distinguishes them is their ability to build rapport and trust with children and teens by being able to relate to the life stage of the young people they are coaching.

Our MHPs are supervised by Lead Psychologist Ana Periera and are experienced in dealing with a range of issues. You get the same professionalism and quality you would expect from traditional counselling.

Not sure what to do next?

Book a complementary call with one of our coaches who is on standby to listen and give you advice on the best way to start your journey. Alternatively, submit a form with your questions and we will get back to you.